What are Gummy Bear Implants?

breast implant.In another blog, we covered the decisions you’ll make if opting to have breast augmentation with Dr. Perron. But there is a relatively new option when it comes to your choice of implant type. In the past, the choice was between saline or silicone implants. But there is another option. While technically silicone, gummy bear implants are very different from either saline or silicone implants.

Here’s some information on these newer implants.

What is a gummy bear implant?

Although these implants are relatively new on the scene (first coming to the market in mid-2012), they are already referred to through a variety of terms. You may have heard cohesive, gummy bear, form-stable, or highly cohesive. These terms denote the attributes of these implants made by three companies: Sientra, Allergan, and Mentor. These implants retain their shape, unlike other implant choices, because the gel is thicker than traditional silicone implants.

Cohesive gel

When compared to silicone gels used in implants during the 80s and 90s, all of the today’s implant gels are more “cohesive.” The cohesiveness just denotes the density of the gel. Gummy bear implants are highly cohesive — if you cut one in half the gel will not move out of the implant and the implant retains its shape.

Two shapes available

Cohesive breast implants are anatomically shaped to match the natural breast, which projects more at the bottom than at the top. The teardrop shape is thinner at the top, filling out more at the bottom. This shape maintains itself due to the thicker nature of the cohesive gel.

All gummy bear implants are textured. This texturing increases friction and helps keep the implants from rotating. This is very important because these implants are different at the bottom and the top, so maintaining their position is a necessity.

Safety stats

You have to remember that gummy bear implants are new to the aesthetic world. So, there aren’t any long-term studies on their failure rate or other issues. Sientra does have some statistics that the company put together during five years of study with its gummy bear implants. Here are those statistics:

  • Over 98% rupture-free through five years
  • Zero reported incidences of implant rotation
  • Low rate (3.9%) of capsular contracture

Gummy bears aren’t just squishy, chewable yumminess. Now they can be your choice for a breast implant. If you’re doing research into the procedure and your possible options with Dr. Perron, make sure to include this new implant type in your studies. If you have any questions or want to book a consultation, call us at 403-228-7076.



