Top Myths about Rhinoplasty

istock_000008783480xsmall-300x300Rhinoplasty, known colloquially as a “nose job,” is among the most popular cosmetic procedures performed in the United States. Unfortunately, many people are victim to widely held misconceptions about this procedure.

Keep reading to learn more about some of the most common myths surrounding rhinoplasty.

  1. Rhinoplasty is only done for vanity. While it is true that many people undergo this procedure to improve and enhance their personal appearance, vanity is not the only reason for having rhinoplasty. In fact, rhinoplasty is frequently performed to correct traumatic nasal injuries or disorders, most commonly deviated septums. Nasal disorders can lead to a number of significant health issues if left untreated, including sleep apnea and breathing issues.
  2. Rhinoplasty is painful. Contrary to popular belief, pain felt after a rhinoplasty is minimal. In some cases, patients may experience some minor swelling or bruising for a few days following the procedure. However, these issues are usually mild and can be treated with antibiotics or over-the-counter pain relievers. In any case, these side-effects do not have a long-lasting effect, especially when they are treated properly.
  3. Rhinoplasty can give me a perfect nose. Rhinoplasty, like any plastic surgery, has its limits. Prior to surgery, a plastic surgeon will show you a rendering of what your new nose may look like. The surgeon will take into account your bone structure, as well as your other facial features, so that all of your features look balanced and natural.  While many patients go into this procedure anticipating perfection, they are advised to have realistic expectations about what this procedure can do for them.
  4. Rhinoplasty can be done by any surgeon. It is true that any licensed plastic surgeon can perform rhinoplasty. However, the nose is complicated. It contains a great deal of bone, cartilage, and other important features, so going to a doctor that does not specialize in rhinoplasty is not advisable. When you are looking for a doctor, seek out a doctor who is Board Certified, has an extensive amount of experience and specializes in aesthetic surgery.

Rhinoplasty in Calgary

If you have any questions about rhinoplasty, contact us today to schedule a consultation. Our offices are located in Calgary, Alberta, and can be reached at (403) 228-7076. We look forward to hearing from you!



